Delicious Detox Vegetable Soup

By Davida Kugelmass December 31, 2015

I have a treat for you! And by treat I mean detox because after the holidays I don’t want to look at anything containing sugar. This Detox Vegetable Soup on the other hand, I could stare at all day. I know a lot of you are thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. It’s interesting to learn how different people define “detox” and what their healthy resolutions are for the new year. For some people, it means banning those sweets and for others it means trying to eat more veggies. This is the perfect soup to get you on the right track no matter what resolutions you’ve chosen!


For the full recipe, head over to The Healthy Maven!

*This post was originally published on Davida’s blog, The Healthy Maven. For more from Davida, visit

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