7 Foods to Eat for Amazing Skin

By LEAFtv July 9, 2015

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. It’s important to understand what you’re putting in your body. We sought out 7 of the best foods for your skin that will help you look and feel your best!


1. Avocado
Contains essential fats that help your skin GLOW. 

2. Kombucha
High in probiotics that aid digestion and help to clear skin.

3. Sweet Potatoes
Chock-full of vitamin C to help smooth wrinkles.

4. Arugula
High vitamin C content helps prevent signs of aging (spinach & kale, too!)

5. Pumpkin Seeds
High in zinc that helps maintain collagen & promote skin renewal. 

6. Blueberries
High in antioxidants that help your skin look younger!

7. Green Tea
Contains antioxidants (namely EGCG) help boost blood flow & oxygen to the skin.

Bonus: Lots of H20!

*This post was originally published on LEAFtv. For more from LEAF, visit www.leaf.tv.

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