What Are You Grateful For?

By Emily Cummings December 19, 2014

The holidays are here and what better time to take a moment to reflect on what matters the most to us. I love the concept of gratitude because at any given moment there are so many things to be grateful for. There are the big things like the people that you love, and a place to call home, and there the little things like a beautiful crisp day, or finding a great parking spot, but even just each passing moment itself is something worth being grateful for. In yoga we practice mindfulness and setting intentions that we carry with us off the mat and into our lives. Setting the intention to live with gratitude helps us to change our perspective, always trying to see the positive within each situation. When we are always looking for the good in something, we in turn act from a place of love and kindness.
Shawn Johson's the body department - Gratitude

What are you grateful for?

Take some time to sit with this question. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply allowing the air to slowly move in and out through your nose. Turn your attention inward and focus on the present. Repeat this mantra to yourself as you breathe – “I am grateful”. When you are done meditating, and maybe even flowing through some poses, think about all of the things in your life that you’re grateful for. How can you act from a place of gratitude? How can you better show your appreciation, love, and compassion?

Use this video as a guide to practice some poses that will help to open your mind, body, and spirit. Be sure to warm up and make any adjustments that suit your needs, listen to your body and remember to practice with mindfulness and gratitude. Namaste.

Video filmed at Aura Yoga, West Hollywood @aura_yoga

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