15 Minute Full Body Workout

By BeFit December 7, 2015

This is a robust total-body circuit workout routine that kick starts the metabolism and works multiple muscle groups simultaneously through a supercharged blend of weight training and body weight resistance moves. It’s sure to leave you feeling the burn! Ignite your weight loss potential and build lean muscle with with Fitness Trainer, Jenn Glysson as she takes you step-by-step!

Start by warming up with a series of dynamic moves before entering the power-building circuit that will strengthen the core and tone the arms, chest, legs, shoulders, glutes abs and back through result-driven moves like groiners, bridges, marching bridges, lunge twists, drop lunges, plank reaches, crab touches, lunge to shoulder presses, sumo squat to arm curls and more. Work out with an expert right from your own living room!

You will need a Yoga mat, a set of dumbbells, a towel and a bottle of water to complete this specially-formulated workout that can be modified to fit all skill levels.

*This video was originally published on the BeFiT Youtube channel. For more workout videos visit www.youtube.com/user/BeFit.

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