The Easiest Guide To Transition Your Skincare Into The Fall

By Taylor Robison October 1, 2018

As we begin to transition into the fall, it’s also time we transition into a new skincare regimen. Like clothes, what works in the summer is just not going to cut it during the fall and especially during the winter. I know you’re thinking well, “if it ain’t broke why fix”, but there’s a literally a science to why you should always change up your products as soon the weather changes. Here’s the easiest way to transition into a Fall-ready skincare regimen!

During the colder months our skin is thirsting for even more moisture and hydration than we had in summer. Without proper skin care, our skin can become tight, dry, and in some cases inflamed. If you have acne-prone skin you might notice a flare up during this time. The goal in the coming months is to keep our skin from feeling thirsty AF. Try out these 3 things to keep your skin popping this fall!

1. Switch Up Your Moisturizers!

A lot of people have products that work differently in the cooler seasons compared to the warm ones. Opt for thicker cream-based moisturizers during the winter! If your skin can take it. Since the creams are heavier, they last-longer in harsh windy and snowy weather conditions.


2. Try Steaming Your Face!

De-clogging your pores is going to be uber important in the upcoming months. I don’t know about you, but I tend to use a lot more skin products during the cooler months. Mainly because it’s not melting off of my face! To prevent build up from the extra products, after you exfoliate while your pores are open, try steaming your face once a week! This will not only help flush out your pores, but also allow the skin to absorb creams better, promote circulation and collagen production. 

3. Drink Lots Of Water!

Yes, we enjoy our PSL’s (pumpkin spice lattes) and hot chocolate, but please don’t skimp out on your water intake! We all know the benefits of water and the best times to drink it, so I won’t go on about it. Just make sure to keep drinking if you want that skin to stay hydrated and on point throughout the winter!



Keep that glow consistent throughout Fall! 

[Images via giphy]

Words via Taylor Robison

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