Core 4: 4 Wellness Reads We’re Obsessed With!

By The Body Department June 1, 2018

Here at The Body Department, we’re all about a good “READ” honey! And not like leaving someone on “read”. I’m talking actual literature for the mind, body and soul, gorgeous. When’s the last time you sat down and actually read a book? Well after seeing our list you’re going to want to. This week’s Core 4 feature is all about wellness reads and recipe books that we’ve had our eyes on. Here’s some lit-erature to add to your Amazon cart! 


High Vibrational Beauty by CAP Beauty 

CAP Beauty, the wellness powerhouse behind uber-Instagramable products like their branded CBD oil and coconut butter released this literary gem in April. The premise behind their book, High Vibrational Beauty, is to provide a new practice, a recipe, a new routine that brings about beauty benefits from the inside-out. High Vibrational Beauty is a great reminder to care for yourself in a meaningful and results-reaping way!. “Add to cart!”

A quote from their reviews that we so agree with is: “Not only does it offer great meals and rituals to keep you feeling good and full of love, but it’s a reminder of how important it is to radiate kindness & love.” James Kelly we’re with you.


Whole Beauty by Shiva Rose

Another book worth having in your digital or physical library is Whole Beauty by Shiva Rose. Though it’s only 40 pages, Whole Beauty is chock full of daily rituals and natural recipes to help you bloom from the inside out similar to HVB. The mantras in the book alone are easy to “digest” and focus on the top 3 sectors for wellness: mind, body and soul!


The Food Therapist by Shira Lenchewski

The Food Therapist is a must read for anyone interested in changing their eating habits and creating a healthier nutritional lifestyle. The exercise where you write a letter to your future self is a gem. The meal plan that’s included in The Food Therapist is super helpful, straight-forward and easy to customize.


The Moon Juice Cookbook: Cook Cosmically for Body, Beauty and Consciousness by Amanda Chantal Bacon

The Moon Juice Cookbook is a perfect to align your mind, body and soul. If you’re a fan of their “magic” beauty, spirit or sex dust… yes sex dust, you’ll love this book where you can include some of their products in the recipes. Just know for this recipe book, you’ll need a Vitamix, dehydrator or juicer.

Words via Christina Makoyawo.

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