Is Running Grueling To You? Here Are 10 Tips To Get It Done Painlessly!

By The Body Department January 26, 2018

Running can sometimes feel like a grueling experience… especially if you aren’t already fond of cardio. But for the individuals who love to run, it’s the best activity and seen as the most rewarding part of a runner’s day. I was told once that running not only makes you smarter but also makes your lungs stronger… that was from a runner though so they could have been biased. ? Below are 10 tips to help running feel more rewarding!

1. Planning

As a beginner, strategic planning is a great consideration since it helps in improving faster than simple winging it. The planning aids in avoiding pushing oneself so fast, and the risk of burnout.

2. Getting the right kit

Running is quite a cheap sport where only a pair of shorts, t-shirt and some trainers for a starter. However, as a professional runner, you might also want to invest in a decent running watch and the right shoes to maximize performance.

3. Pick up the pace

A starter should gently amble with the same loop a couple of times a week which should be a slower pace at first and then proceed to faster pace. In order to improve on the pace, there should be different forms of warm-ups.

4. Perform other vigorous exercises

Even though many runners consider any other training that does not involve running as a waste of time, it is of benefit to starters since increases the respiratory rates. The exercises may involve those that help the knees function properly increasing the efficiency during running.

5. Healthy eating

Generally, the body digests simple carbohydrates at a faster rate than proteins. Since carbohydrates which are stored as fuel can make one run for ninety minutes, it is necessary that one should take some gels to increase the fuel storage and make the starter run for a longer period.

6. Getting a group

A starter needs to get a running group where he/she acquires the motivation, inspiration and commitment to continue with the process. Since everyone experiences times that they don’t want to run, when committed to a certain group there is the pushing force that makes them run continuously.

7. Get hydrated

As a starter, one needs to get hydrated as the body also requires being fueled during the running processes. A recommendation of about 20 oz. of water about two hours prior to running is set. Whenever someone runs for more than an hour, there is the need for replacing the water previously taken with a sports drink. This helps to maintain the electrolyte level in the body as well as increasing the levels of some nutrients involving sodium, potassium and manganese.

8. Get rest

Rest is a requirement by the body where it provides time to rebuild and recover. Whenever one runs or performs an exercise there are micro tears created which need to be recovered thus showing the essentiality of rest after every exercise. If one does not take enough rest, there can be signs of feeling tired, sluggish or sore.

9. Getting in tune with the body

There is the need for someone to listen to their bodies to pause running if one does not feel well especially on the points that are greatly involved in the process. One should take some rest and whenever he/she does not feel well, they are supposed to see a doctor.

10. Get acclimatized

Beginners should try to get acclimatized to the new body requirements after they start their running processes. One should start slowly to avoid the cramping quads, shin splints and sore hips as they start adjusting in the new activities.


Written by Jacky Anderson. This post was originally published on Sports Fitness Advisor

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