Challenge Yourself To This 10-Min Core Crusher Ab Workout

By BeFit July 27, 2016

This workout is an explosive core-strengthening abdominal circuit. It features an effective blend of ab exercises and isometric holds to burn fat, build strength and uncover lean definition throughout the abs as you start down the road to a ripped six pack.

Challenge yourself and fatigue the core and you shrink your waistline with your Expert BeFiT GO Fitness Coaches in this ab-shredding workout! Redefine your abs and turn up the burn as you fatigue the arms, shoulders, chest, back, abs, legs, obliques and glutes with result-driven moves like lunge to side twists, scorpions, hollow holds, candlestick jumps, bicycles, flutter kicks, supergirl planks and more that are sure to yield max, tummy-flattening results.

You will need a Yoga Mat, a bottle of water and a towel to complete this routine that can be modified to fit any skill level by adjusting reps, form and rest periods.

This video was originally published on BeFit’s Youtube channel. For more workouts, visit

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